MP4PM Support
Having problems with your account?
Experiencing difficulty using the website?
Having a question about an MP4PM feature?
Check the FAQs below for a quick and easy answer:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is "MP4PM"?
Can I upgrade to an annual membership later on?
How can I cancel my account?
I'm receiving an error message saying I don't have access to this content?
Is having a mind mapping tool mandatory?
My Payment has failed, what should I do?
I previously paused my account, how do I resume?
If your question isn't answered here please send us a note with the contact form below. Use that form also if you have any problem, feedback, crtic or suggestions for us. We guarantee that we will answer every message you will send us. And we will do our best to answer you within a short time. Please note that it can take up to 48 hours while working days and even a bit longer while weekends and holidays. Thanks for your understanding.
You will get an overview to what all you can access here including the latest MP4PM news.
MP4PM Framework
This is the heart of your MP4PM membership. Learn how to apply PMBoK Guide in your daily work.
Content Library
Here you can find all the accessable downloads like Maps, Templates, Checklists and so on ...
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