8 Reasons to join us at MP4PM… NOW!
Great to have you here today.
You may think ...
" Oh no, please, not just another useless Membership Site without any benefit or value for me!"
I can tell; I do feel you!
But ...
in this Article, I will explain why I am confident that MP4PM.club will benefit you and show you at least 8 Reasons (+ a secret tip!) why you will not regret joining us NOW, period!
On the other hand, if you are NOT part of our target audience, there might be better choices than MP4PM.club!
So, let's clarify if MP4PM is something for you.
Is MP4PM Membership Right For Me?
MP4PM is NOT for everyone, and truth be told we’d prefer to help you figure out if it’s not right for you BEFORE you join rather than waste your time & money. So, let’s cut to the chase...
Who MP4PM is for
Who MP4PM is not for
It might seem strange, trying to talk you OUT of becoming a member - but honestly, if we need more than MP4PM to be the right fit, neither of us benefits. We have a vested interest in your success (you won’t stick around long if we’re not helping, right?) - and that all starts by ensuring MP4PM is right for you before you join.
MP4PM.club - what is it?
You may ask
"MP4PM, what is that standing for? What is it all about?"
Well, good question; let me explain ... MP4PM stands for
"Method Power for (4) Project Management"
... and that is because I have been an enthusiastic IT Project Manager for many years, and MP4PM was created from this background.
However, meanwhile, MP4PM is about more than just Project Management and its Methods, Models & Artifacts ... now, we are talking about any IT-related Processes and the underlying Frameworks and best practices.
We provide knowledge, guidance, tools&templates, expert advice, toolkits, and complete blueprints, spanning the most prevalent standards & frameworks like PMI's PMBoK Guide, COBIT, ITIL, SFIA BABoK, and many more.
"But many other sources are doing so already!"
... I can hear you saying, and yes, that is correct.
The difference is that we are providing not only theoretical knowledge or useless templates which are little more than dumb outlines, no ...
... our templates, tools, roadmaps (courses), blueprints, and downloads are practical, out-of-the-box applicable, and packed with practice knowledge & experience ... from Pros for Pros!
In the following, I will show you the eight most essential Reasons why you should be quick to become an MP4PM.Club - Member if you count yourself to our target audience (see above)!
And in addition, I will uncover a secret tip about why NOW is the right time to join us ... 😉
Here we go:
The 8 most important Reasons Why you should become an MP4PM.club - Member NOW:
FREE Membership
Our unique membership model allows everybody to earn a FREE membership!
That is a HUGE difference to, well ...maybe all other membership sites (as far as I know, at least). Everywhere the costs are increasing over time.
We provide a several-layer model where the price increases from Level to Level but is constant from the Moment you join (as earlier as better).
And NOW the magic happens, regardless at which Level you have joined us, your membership Fee can only DECREASE ...yes, that is right. Your cost will become less over time until it is ZERO.
Yes, you have read correctly again; you will be promoted down the Levels until you have reached our "LEVEL ZERO," From then on, your Membership is FREE ...FOREVER.
And as the earlier you joined us, the earlier ... well ... you got it.
I am confident that this is UNIQUE in the world of membership sites!
Learn more about our MP4PM-Membership Journey and how it works here >>>
Our "Roadmaps" are, Mini-Courses related to specific and relevant PM & IT topics. Besides the relevant knowledge provided in plain and easy-to-understand English, they provide:
- practical knowledge
- standards-aligned Tools, Checklists & Templates for immediate practical application
- real-life examples and use cases
- Quizzes and MP4PM-Points to earn
- Certificates
- much fun
- and much more ...
Our "Roadmaps" are designed with their practical relevance in mind and structured in bite-sized elements so you can easily pick the valuable parts for you in the given situation.
They are easy to navigate, and we are continuously developing and enhancing them based on your feedback and the swarm intelligence and experience of the MP4PM Experts Community.
The value of an online course is the SPEED. It is the CLARITY. It is the SHORTCUTS.
The value of the course is not the Length. The videos. The amount of content. Not only are people not impressed by that anymore, but many will view it as a distraction. It is a longer runway to what they want. It means more work. They don't want more work.
YOU want LESS work!
Our " Roadmaps " goal is to get YOU to the outcome YOU want as fast as possible.
No fluff.
Just the shortest possible path to the outcome YOU seek so that YOU can get it as quickly as possible.
BluePrints & other Deliverables
Corresponding to our Roadmaps, we provide complete BluePrint - Packages that contain a methodology and the needed tools & templates to apply those methodologies. Besides such BluePrints, we also offer many other Deliverables like ...
- Template-Packages, incl.
- MindMaps
- Office Templates Word, Excel; Project, ...)
- and Slide-Packages
- specific MEGA Slide Packages
- MEGA Template Packages
- and much more
- ...
An Example of the MEGA Slide Packages is our MP4PM Power Pro Package with more than 400 ready-to-use but fully customizable and editable Project Management and Report Items from Agendas over Maps to Diagrams. This package alone saves you tons of working hours.
Our MEGA Template Packages include a Collection of dozens or even hundreds of Templates for a specific deliverable like the Project Charter. In a MEGA Package, you will always find our fully standards&frameworks aligned Template in two Versions. A blank one, ready to use out-of-the-box, and another one filled with examples from the practice. Those examples can give you a starting point for your entries if you need help figuring out where to start.
In addition, are all other templates included that we have collected over time; those maybe not be streamlined by us, but that way, you have the opportunity to choose and find one that suits your needs best, even if it is not a 100% aligned to the PMBoK Guide for instance.
An example for one of our MP4PM Template Packages (not MEGA!) can be downloaded for FREE here >>>
We already offer several packages covering all the relevant Knowledge Areas (from the PMBoK Guide) but continuously expanding the number of downloads ...
Try out with the FREE Project Charter Map Package!
You may download our FREE Project Charter Map Package to try MP4PM out. (click on the Image on the
right or on the Button below to go to download page):
Reports, Whitepapers & other Docs
Within our Roadmaps or as dedicated downloads, we also provide topics-related Reports, Whitepapers, eBooks and many other downloadable Items.
We provide IT Business and Domain-relevant Reports, Whitepapers, and eBooks to our Members, which helps them keep up-to-date with current developments.
One of the main topics we are dealing with right now is, for instance, "Artificial Intelligence". We are cutting through the hype and aiming to provide useful and practicable knowledge and guidance. Like a blueprint to develop data management and A.I. implementation strategy in a human-centric, trustworthy, and applicable way.
An example for one of our latest Reports can be found down below.
There is a lot to discover ...
Priorities 2023
Engage cross-functional leadership to seize opportunities while protecting the organization from volatility.CIOs are facing these challenges in 2023 ...
On-Demand Service
Do you have to deliver a process, a presentation, a template, or any other documentation of PM and/or IT-related topics?
And you need to figure out how and where to start?
As an MP4PM-Member you can submit your request, and we will do the heavy lifting.
As a Member, you can join the "OnDemand-Request" Group; within this group, you can submit your request for whatever deliverable you need.
Well, we can not guarantee that there will always be a 100% satisfying result, but ...
... as more specific you are in your request, as more likely we can deliver what you are looking for, might it be just a template, a whole process, or a comprehensive Model or methodology.
Based on the knowledge, experience, and sources we have gained through many years in the business, we are almost always able to provide you with a solution quickly. Try it!
PS: I am pretty sure that such a kind of service is also unique ... 🙂
Thriving Community of Experts
The most important and most valuable aspect we do offer is - YOU!
We do want to help business professionals in their work life. We already have great experts in our community willing to share their knowledge and help you as best as possible.
Our community features (so far) are:
- Forums
- SME-Groups
- Connections
- Member-Following
- Direct Messaging
- ...
We will expand the community features while we are growing, since this is the most crucial goal for us: to build an exclusive, engaged, enthusiastic, valuable, and helpful community of business experts, reaching out a hand to everyone who needs help.
Gamification & Leaderboards
MP4PM.club is a platform by and for professionals ... but we also want to have fun, right?!
Therefore you will be - for instance - able to collect MP4PM-Points (and climb the Member ladder ... ) and rock the monthly leaderboard.
You do collect points for more or less any activity you do at MP4PM.club like logging in, posting something, completing a lesson or a whole course, or any other contribution.
And, of course, you will be able to gain some special items for your points ... 😉
Earning Money!
Yes, you can earn some passive money while being an MP4PM member. By joining our community you will also become automatically an MP4PM-Affiliate partner (no worries, this is optional and without any obligations!).
The only thing you need to do - if you like MP4PM.club and what it has to offer - is to recommend us to your friends, colleagues, and maybe even your wider online audience.
That's it.
For every signup through your links, you will earn 33% as long as this signup is a paying member.
And ... there is no limitation regarding the number of signups you may generate!
You have nothing else to do to earn some extra bucks each month ...
Now, you have to make a decision.
These have been the eight most important reasons why it is a great choice to become an MP4PM member... if you are part of our target audience!
We are consistently working on the platform and our services, and I can tell you that it will just be getting better and better, so NOW is the best time to join us (before doors close!).
"Ok, but Markus, you said something about a secret you want to uncover about the right time to join MP4PM, not?!"
Yes, you are correct, and here we go:
At the time of this writing, we are still in the early days after the restart of MP4PM, and that means - accordingly to our new and unique Member Journey - you are NOW able to join for the best price EVER!
The initial price for joining MP4PM will only be getting higher (no worries, you will still have the opportunity to earn your FREE lifetime Membership; it will just take a bit longer to get promoted down through the levels ...).
At the moment, you will be able to join us at
>>> Level ONE <<<
what would not last long since the available Slots are filling fast ...
That means you will be among the first members to be promoted to our Level ZERO, which equals a FREE lifetime membership!
Yes, the earlier you join now, as earlier you will have to pay nothing! And as an affiliate for MP4PM, you can even force this process by recommending new users!
To access the complete
"MP4PM - Business Case ToolKit"
and a ton of additional content click on the following Image (or HERE):
So, if I have not convinced you yet, to join us, there is nothing else I can do.
I just can tell you that waiting is the wrong strategy here!
Imagine having all those features and opportunities mentioned above for ... FREE! And that forever!
Join us now, and this will become a reality very soon!
Well, however, you decide, I wish you all the best for your career and your life, and I would feel honored to meet you inside MP4PM.club!
All the best,
If you are not a MP4PM Member yet, you should have a look here >>>
Have a look at MP4PM.club (or click on the Image on the left) to find out what MP4PM has to offer (it is a lot!) and if it fits to your needs.